How Bowles Could Have Won the Election,
And Edwards Become the Next President

     If Erskine Bowles and John Edwards had been courageous enough to call one, a well-planned news conference in North Carolina would have received tons of free publicity. Not only that, it would have framed the political debate in their favor for the rest of the campaign.

     Such a news conference would have drawn immediate outrage from right-wing pundits on radio and TV, and would have created an on-going discussion about the very issues where Ds are strongest and Rs are extremely vulnerable.

     In checking out the positions suggested below, news reporters and analysts would have to delve into economic issues where all the facts favor Democrats.

     Bowles and Edwards could have made the following points:

  1. Both are very well off financially. No one can accuse them of trying to make voters "envious of the rich." Like Franklin Roosevelt, Bowles was born rich, his parents sent him to good schools, he became successful in business, and now wants to do what is best for the greatest number of citizens in the U.S.

    Like Harry Truman, Edwards was born into the middle class, worked his way through college, became rich as a successful lawyer and also wants to do what is best for the greatest number of citizens in the U.S.

  2. Then they would explain the difference between a rich Democrat and a rich Republican:

  3. Ways that present laws and governmental policies favor the wealthy and investors at the direct expense of working-class Americans:

Time for Democrats To Admit They Were Wrong

     Democrats who have previously taken a position that globalization is “good for American workers,” can modify it now. “Although I still support international trade, that’s not what globalization has become, and it has created many hardships for American workers for the past 20 years.” Then, explain what you intend to do to make up for those hardships:

     In the last several years, most Democrats have wimped out on these issues, and let Republicans frame and control the debate. As a result, voters have beem choosing real Republicans vs. their apparent alternative, the ersatz Republicans.

     If Democrats would conduct news conferences like the above across the country, the total nature of the national debate would dramatically shift in their favor.


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